Ryan Hooper
Top 10 Shortlisted, 2016
This site was used by the traditional owners as a campsite and meeting place. Travellers from all over the region would use this site,
and this building emulates that. The new SOBE is a connecting building; capturing the attention of passers-by through visual connection. Providing a meeting place for multiple disciplines, cultures and individuals to share learn and interact. New SoBE brings faculty, practice and industry, all three seamlessly together and encourages co habitation, cross pollination and collaboration to enhance and broaden the knowledge shared by all that use SOBE.
The most important part of the building’s programme however, is the notion of specialty areas. By localizing a specialty area on each floor staff and students are encouraged to interact and engage with each other, forming and solidifying professional and personal relationships. Creating curiosity, enabling interaction and nurturing professional and personal relationships is at the heart of reconfigurable, open plan spatial choreography of the design. This also means the upper levels are left totally malleable and adaptable, keeping any expansion costs to a minimum yet lifecycle saving on initial investment to an optimum.
To see more of Ryan's work, please see his online portfolio at: