Laila Hourani


"Building 201

Building 201, the stories about the mysterious 'Hogwarts' like building filled me with anticipation and anxiety. My fear of getting lost had come true, the moment I stepped into the building 1. The staircases, 2. The hidden 7th level and 3. The Blue Carpet level, the Blue Carpet Level, how was I supposed to find The Blue Carpet Level, when every level had blue carpet? My first time attempting to walk up the multiple flights of stairs, to get to my first TOD tutorial, was a mission and a half, all I could think about every time I lifted to take the the next step, was how unfit I was, but also how fit I was going to be after just 1 week of walking up these stairs, but I soon discovered the elevator. I realised that the building was like learning to tie shoelaces. At first you're completely lost, but you soon find your way."